Lugano Finance Forum 2023: Embracing the Age of AI in Asset and Wealth Management

Our CEO and Co-Founder Tommaso Migliore participated at the Lugano Finance Forum on November 21st, and gave a keynote speech on how AI, and the new branch of Generative AI, has become a trusted ally for every investment professional looking to battle market complexity and generate more Alpha.

The LFF – Lugano Finance Forum was the 12th edition of one of the most important events focused on Asset Management, Investment Tools and Fundamental Analysis, organised in Switzerland. The forum took place at the prestigious Palazzo Dei Congressi, on Tuesday November 21st 2023, and hosted a number of specialised conferences and an exhibition area.

Tommaso delved into the integration of Analytical and Generative Artificial Intelligence in the realm of Asset and Wealth Management. As an increasing number of Asset and Wealth managers incorporate AI into their investment processes, the discussion explored the benefits, proper adoption strategies, and the best applications in portfolio management. Our CEO also showed the audience how Sphere, our AI platform, supports hundreds of institutional investors in constructing customized portfolios at scale, AI-driven regime analyses, and forward-looking positioning indicators.

The event's attendees also got the chance to try live Sphere, MDOTM's AI Platform, and see live how to construct and rebalance portfolios with AI.

MDOTM's exhibition successfully received hundreds of attendees seeking to learn more about how AI can enhance decision-making. Thank you to everyone that visited us to test out live Sphere's AI!

About MDOTM Ltd

MDOTM Ltd is a global provider of AI-driven investment solutions for Institutional Investors. Founded in London, the company has a team of over 60 physicists, data scientists, engineers, and finance professionals. MDOTM Ltd provides Portfolio Advisory and Asset Allocation services to Banks, Insurance Companies, Family Offices, Pension Funds, Wealth and Asset Managers. Numerous financial institutions across the UK, Europe, and the US leverage MDOTM Ltd’s advisory and AI platform – Sphere – to support their investment process. For more information, visit

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